Edina Ice Dam Removal

We Have Edina Ice Dam Experience.
We’ve removed hundreds of Ice Dams in Edina

Edina Ice DamIn the winter of 2010-11 (our heaviest ice dam year), The Ice Dam Company removed ice dams from more Edina homes than any other city.  Ice dams in Edina are not special, per say.  The homes of Edina simply tend to have certain construction standards that lend themselves to ice problems.

Why Edina Homes Are Subject to Ice Dams

Many of the homes in Edina were built in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. The standards for insulation and ventilation were far differeny back then.  Adding to the challenge is the fact that Edina homes frequetly have small eaves with inadequate ventilation.  This can make ice dam prevention in Edina especially challenging.

Removing ice dams from Edina Homes

Another, perhaps less apparent challenge to preventing ice dams or removing them once that have blossomed is that Edina homes quite frequently have higher-end roofing materials involved.  Basically, it costs more to work on roofs with high-end materials than one of lesser quality.  See our gallery for photos of ice dam prevention in Edina, Minnesota.

Ice Dam Removal, Ice Dam Prevention

Removing Ice Dams in Minnesota: We Serve Many Areas in the Minneapolis Metro

The Ice Dam company based out of Hopkins, Minnesota, about 5 miles west of Minneapolis. We've done gutter ice removal, roof ice removal and ice dam removal all over the Twin Cities, on new houses and old ones.

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