Posts Tagged ‘falling ice’

Ice Dams and Roof Ice Can be the Source of Danger

Thursday, February 14th, 2019

When heavy snow starts turning to ice on rooftops, we often think about the potential damage that can be caused to our homes. Sometimes, the potential for personal injury is also a concern. As was the case for one boy in Minneapolis who was injured by falling ice.

Original Story Link: Boy Injured by Falling Ice in Minneapolis

The boy is OK and recovering, however it highlights the fact that when ice builds up without abatement, that it can be more then just your home that can be at risk.

We ask that homeowners be careful when assessing their ice dam problem on their roofs. Stay clear of the fall area for ice and never, ever try to climb onto an icy roof to try deal with your ice dam if you are not a trained roof ice professional.

Ice Dam Removal, Ice Dam Prevention

Removing Ice Dams in Minnesota: We Serve Many Areas in the Minneapolis Metro

The Ice Dam company based out of Hopkins, Minnesota, about 5 miles west of Minneapolis. We've done gutter ice removal, roof ice removal and ice dam removal all over the Twin Cities, on new houses and old ones.

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