Thursday, February 14th, 2019
When heavy snow starts turning to ice on rooftops, we often think about the potential damage that can be caused to our homes. Sometimes, the potential for personal injury is also a concern. As was the case for one boy in Minneapolis who was injured by falling ice.
Original Story Link: Boy Injured by Falling Ice in Minneapolis
The boy is OK and recovering, however it highlights the fact that when ice builds up without abatement, that it can be more then just your home that can be at risk.
We ask that homeowners be careful when assessing their ice dam problem on their roofs. Stay clear of the fall area for ice and never, ever try to climb onto an icy roof to try deal with your ice dam if you are not a trained roof ice professional.
Tags: falling ice, ice dams
Posted in Ice Dam Removal, Ice Dams, Misc. | Comments Off on Ice Dams and Roof Ice Can be the Source of Danger
Monday, December 19th, 2016
Ice dams have begun.
In my travels around Minneapolis today looking at ice dam prevention jobs, I noticed a number of homes that already exhibit signs of ice dams. To be more specific, I noticed water and ice coming down the siding and in through the eaves on a number of homes such as the one shown here. This represents a clear signal that water is backing up behind an accumulation of ice on the roof and going where it’s not supposed to go. Want more signs of ice dam issues, click here. With another snowstorm approaching on Christmas, I’m predicting that this might be another troublesome year for Minneapolis homeowners relative to ice dams.

Ice dam removal Minneapolis
What can you do? Unfortunately, once ice dams form and begin to cause problems, the only answer is to have them professionally removed. We use true steamers, machines that superheat water to steam. How do you tell the difference between a high temperature pressure washer used by competitors and a steamer? It’s simple. Does the gun have a trigger or not? If it has a trigger, it is simply NOT a steamer. IDSAFE, a unique organization whose entire purpose is to educate property owners on ice dam steaming, can be found here. The Ice Dam Company is a proud member of IDSAFE. All of our machines have been verified to meet the standards of true ice dam steamers, unlike two of the largest ice dam removal companies in the Twin Cities. (You know who you are!).
Of course the better answer to ice dam removal in Minneapolis is ice dam prevention. We engage in more ice dam prevention work than anybody in the United States, employing both architectural solutions and non-architectural solutions which includes heat tape and heat cable, insulation, roofing, remodeling and general home performance inspections.
Our sister company, Kuhl’s Contracting, engages in the hundreds of attic insulation retrofits and reroofing projects every year in Minneapolis and surrounding communities to address the underlying causes of ice dams. Kuhl’s Contracting also installs heat cable and heat tape on commercial properties and residential properties all over Minnesota. We are proud to sell HeatTapePro, made by Radiant Solutions Company, a premium self-regulating commercial grade heat cable available on a number of online retailers including Amazon. HeatTapePro can also be purchased at The Heat Cable Store, an online direct-to-consumer website that sells a number of heat cable and heat tape products by different manufacturers. Of course, you may also buy HeatTapePro here, at The Ice Dam Company Store.
Click here to schedule an appointment with our ice dam removal or ice dam prevention teams.
Tags: Heat cable, heat tape, heat tape sale, ice dam prevention, ice dam removal company, ice dam removal jerks, ice dam removal minneapolis, ice dam removal twin cities, ice dam steaming minnesota, ice dams, ice jam removal, ice jam steaming, ice removal business minneapolis
Posted in Ice Dam Heat Tape, Ice Dam Prevention, Ice Dam Removal, Ice Dams, Misc., Ice Dams: General Info | Comments Off on Ice Dams Are Happening!