Posts Tagged ‘is my ice dam bad’
Saturday, February 11th, 2017
Here is why it makes sense to hire professional roofers to remove your ice dams. It’s true. Most of our competitors are not roofers, nor do they understand residential construction.

Ice dam company professional roofers, professional results
Today one of our guys found a massive install error on a low-pitch rolled asphalt roof in Minneapolis. The client had no idea, and nor would any of our competitors who are not construction pros. The original roof installer failed to use adhesive between the roofing plies! (Photo 3, Point E) and no ice and water membrane whatsoever (Photo 3, Point F). That’s a major no-no. They also had all of the penetrations negatively lapped (sequenced into the asphalt improperly) (Photo 4, Point D). Good catch Paul!
The client with the roof leak in Minneapolis illustrated here called due to water pouring in through a light fixture under Point A, Photo 1. This by itself is not unusual. Roof leaks caused by ice dams often manifest many feet away from the source; sometimes a full story or two below the source. My initial theory was that water was traveling down the exterior wall of the shed dormer shown in Photo A. As it turns out, there was something more pernicious happening. The water was being pushed under an improperly flashed plumbing stack (Photo 2, Point B). While exploring the area our crews also noted the lack of lap sealant between the roofing plies (Photo 2, Point B and Photo 3, Point E).
This homeowner had used one of our largest competitors in town in 2014 to remove an ice dam (see highest ranking Google result). Guess what? They said nothing about the roofing defect. No big surprise because frankly, how would they know? They aren’t construction professionals, just ice dam removal guys who squirt ice off roofs with high-temperature pressure washers (not steamers!) (Click here to see the difference). We have seen this exact scenario play out countless times and to be honest, it’s frustrating to watch.

Ice dam company finds roof leaks
The Ice Dam Company is in fact the only company in the country with the in-house chops to diagnose and address problems with insulation, ventilation, roofing, sheet metal and other exterior envelope components. We also install miles of self-regulating heat cable each year on homes where the aforementioned architectural solutions are not appropriate or feasible. Most ice dam removal guys just use their pressure washers to squirt ice off the roof and that’s the end of it. For us, ice dam removal projects are often just the beginning of a longterm relationship with our clients. We end up remodeling their kitchen or adding onto their house through our sister company Kuhl Design + Build, a nationally recognized, award winning remodeling firm. The Ice Dam Company is a division of Kuhl’s Contracting, the third largest residential construction and remodeling company in Minnesota. There is a huge amount of cross-pollenization between the organizations. Each benefits from the resources and talents of the other. It’s fun to witness.

Ice dam company fixes roof leaks caused by ice dams and construction defects
Tags: about ice dams, highest rated ice dam removal company in minneapolis, ice and snow removal, ice dam expert, ice dam heat cable, Ice dam Steaming, ice removal company, ice removal professionals, is my ice dam bad, minneapolis ice dam prevention, minneapolis ice dam removal, Minnesota's Ice Dam Removal Jerks, signs of an ice dam problem, twin cities ice dam remover
Posted in Ice Dam Heat Tape, Ice Dam Prevention, Ice Dam Removal, Ice Dams, Misc., Water Damage | Comments Off on Professional Roofers + Ice Dam Removal = Good News
Tuesday, December 13th, 2016
Ice Dams on Mansard Roofs Can be a Seriously Big Headache to Remove
Roof Styles Affect Ice Dam Severity
As discussed in Case Study #16, there can be some serious problems if homeowners decide to remove snow from only a portion of the roof plane affected by ice dams. We call it the ‘Double Dam’, which refers to the fact that ice dams can grow much further up the roof when only lower sections of snow are removed (commonly done with roof snow rakes because they can’t reach high enough on the roof).

Mansard roofs, such as this one from Edina, Minnesota, can create massive ice dams when the steep pitch (B) is cleared of snow. This is amplified when the slope has directional bias towards the north because the sun will not help melt the ice as it accumulates. In the photo, below, we see two ice dam problems on this Edina mansard roof. The traditional location (A) is exacerbated by the low roof pitch (Case Study #09 explores the relationship between roof pitch, or roof slope, and ice dams). Area B has an ice dam that covers the entire span of the roof slope. This took many hours to remove even with our commercial ice dam steaming equipment.

Which Ice Dam Do You Want?
Ice dam #1 is not the one you want. Ice dams like this take hours to remove with steam, which is the most efficient and safe method for removing ice dams. This ice dam is thin but it has grown many feet up the roof. Ice dam #2 is an easier problem to resolve.
To read more Case Studies click here.
Tags: about ice dams, best ice dam removal in minneapolis, best rated ice dam removal contractor, edina ice dam removal, edina ice dam steaming, highest rated ice dam removal company in minneapolis, ice and snow removal, ice dam expert, ice dam heat cable, Ice dam heat tape, ice dam prevention, ice dam removal jerks, identifying an ice dam, is my ice dam bad, mansard roofs and ice dams, relationship between styles of roofs and ice dam formations, removing ice dams with steam, removing massive ice dams, roof ice steaming, roof pitch and ice dam relationship, roof styles and severity of ice dams, twin cities ice dam remover
Posted in Ice Dam Prevention, Ice Dam Removal, Ice Dams, Misc., Ice Dams: General Info | Comments Off on Mansard Roof Ice Dams
Friday, May 20th, 2016
Where Do Ice Dams Normally Happen on Homes? A List of the Most Common Ice Dam Locations

Where ice dams happen…and don’t happen:
- Ice dams seldom occur over unheated areas such as garages and porches (A).
- The valley areas of dormers frequently get ice dams (B).
- Ice dams often occur both below and above skylights. Ice dams above skylights are hard to see from the ground, making them some of the sneakiest to discover (C).
- Any openings through the roof – such as pipes and vents – are a good place for small ice dams for form (D).
- Valleys are very common areas for ice dam formation. It is important to never use hammers or chisels near valleys as the difference between a thorough ice removal job and valley damage is fractions of an inch (E).
- On roofs with a low pitch (angle) even a 1-2″ ice dam can cause significant leaking and interior damage (F).
- The eaves edge is the most common place to see ice dams. 80% of the dams we remove are found here (G).
- Interior rooms with vaulted ceilings are frequently associated with large ice dams. Bathrooms are often the worst. If you had recessed lighting to a vaulted ceiling, you are much more likely to have ice dams (H).
- Ice dams occasionally form around chimneys and furnace flues. Any place heat escapes through the roof line. Ice dams in these locations can be very, very small and still cause leaking (I).
To read more Case Studies click here.
Tags: about ice dams, best ice dam removal in minneapolis, best rated ice dam removal contractor, highest rated ice dam removal company in minneapolis, how do I know I have ice dams, ice dam expert, ice dam heat cable, ice dam removal jerks, identifying an ice dam, is my ice dam bad, minneapolis ice dam removal, twin cities ice dam remover
Posted in Ice Dam Prevention, Ice Dam Removal, Ice Dams, Misc., Ice Dams: General Info | Comments Off on Common Ice Dam Locations on a Home
Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

Best rated ice dam removal in minneapolis
I’ve been working on a new graphic to describe the basics for homeowners in Minneapolis to identify a problematic ice dam. It’s true that some ice dams cause no problems. The key consideration in determining whether or not an ice dam is a current problem is all about where you see ice. Study this drawing closely and you will see that any ice behind the facia is a bad sign. Ice through the soffit, down the exterior wall or through the window frame is very bad thing. Leaks caused by ice dams minneapolis
Tags: about ice dams, best ice dam removal in minneapolis, best rated ice dam removal contractor, gutter ice, highest rated ice dam removal company in minneapolis, how do I know I have ice dams, how to tell if an ice dam is a problem, ice dam prevention, Ice dam removal, ice dam removal jerks, identifying an ice dam, is my ice dam bad, Roof Leak, signs of an ice dam problem
Posted in Ice Dams, Misc. | Comments Off on How to tell if an ice dam is bad